
Friday 29 March 2019

Child soldiers

My Map Of Worst 10 Countries With Child Soldiers

The link above is the map I have created on My Maps which shows the 10 worst countries which contribute to using child soldiers.

Child soldiers are children under the age of 18 who a recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, spies or for sexual purposes.

Image result for child soldiersImage result for child soldiers

Monday 25 March 2019

Child labour

Children still to this day have no choice but to work for their families survival. These children work in slavery which takess away their human rights. For example, these children are working in mining, agriculture, carpet weaving and so much more just to support their families so that they can eat and in some cases get an education. This can be very harmful towards the children's health, safety and ability to have a childhood. Child labour affects these children from having a right to a normal physical and mental development and again has a big impact on their education.

Image result for child labour

Narrative writing

What new things have you learnt?
I have learnt how to write a narrative without making it boring and how to use proper sentence starters.

How will this help you be a better creative writer?
This will help me with my creative writing by me being able to use my imagination to increase my writing.

What activities did you enjoy from this unit? Why?
I enjoyed the task ¨Show don't tell¨ as it challenged me to think hard use my imagination to create a sentence.

What styles of learning work best for you?

  • I enjoy working quietly
  • Listening to music
  • Positive people
  • Working by myself 
  • Bookwork rather than on a device

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Albert Einstein

Who is he?
A German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity. one of the 2 pillars of modern physics alongside quantum mechanics.

What did he do?
he was most famous for his theory of relativity, find out about gravity relatit and einstein quantum description of light (for which he has rewarded the nobel prize.

Why did he win a nobel prize?
Image result for albert Einsteinfor his services to the theoretical physicsand especially for his descovery of the law of the photoelectric effect and reseved his nobel prize 1 year later in 1922.

Effects on today:
he is the one who made timezones so we have 24 hour days and so we know the times of the day and so we kow when it starts going dark and light.