
Thursday 21 November 2019

Climate change 
Greta Thunderer:

She did a great job and i agree with her because shes the man and shes only a teenager who is standing up to big mans.

What does the presenter suggest?
Hes a idiot because I don't agree with him and she doesn't agree with Greta.

How are children constructed?
To young shouldn't be listened to.

What is the viewers position?
The viewer doesn't get to make their own choice and are being told no to listen to children.

Image result for greta thunberg

Friday 8 November 2019

The rock cycle

Rock Cycle
This is the photo of my rock cycle drawing.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Mount Ruapehu

~How do volcanoes form~

Volcanoes form when magma from the earths upper mantle works its way up to the surface, it erupts to form lava flow and ash deposits and over time the volcanoes eruption will begin to get bigger and bigger and eventually calm down.

~My volcano~

The name of the volcano i will be researching is called Mount Ruapehu, this volcano is one of the more active volcanoes in the Taupo Volcanic District in New Zealand. It has been erupting regularly since 1996 but the most recent major eruption was in 1995-1996 and affected 100.000 people in the central north island. The 1996 eruption produced at least seven million tonnes of ash and 2.3 million falling on Lake Taupo, drinking water contamination had a big impact on the people and animals which lived on the countryside as it blocked alot of the water ways and as well as metal structures and vehicles were affected by the ash.


This link is a story on how Mount Ruapehu had Taranaki and Tongariro fight over her and Taranaki ended up loosing and having to move away. This is 
Image result for mount ruapehu volcano eruption

In science today we erupted our volcanoes which we have been working on for a few weeks as you can see above is the volcano i was researching but as we had to get into groups my group and I decided to create and erupt the volcano that presayus researched named Mount Etna.

For this experiment we had to use 4 spatulas of potassium iodide in 20ml of water which speeds reaction up and 35% hydrogen peroxide, dish washing liquid and food coloring.
This is the end result of our volcano.
This is a video of our eruptions.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Children of blood and bone

The incident where Zelie and Amari met at the market in Lagos helped me understand the important idea of the power of friendship because it shows that with dedication and determinatiom they can over come difficult times within a friendship and that you dont have to know someone for a long period of time to gain a astounding bond with someone you just met which is shown when Amari pulls Zelie to the side and says to her "Please help me I have done something unforgivable..."

The incident where Zelie and Amari met at the market in Lagos helped me understand the important idea of the power of friendship because as it shows that with friends you can accomplish so much together and having a friendship like Zelie and Amari did can have a huge impact on your life.

Friday 16 August 2019

Technology and Change

Technology is the the improvment and knowledge of mankind which makes our lives easier.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Power Of One

In the horrifying days of 1948 until 1994 there was a thing that was spread around all of South Africa called Aparthied which was something which black South Africans couldn't defeat which then caused 170 South Africans to be hung and beaten to death by the whites. A few years had gone by and a man named John Avildson Directed a movie in 1992 called The Power Of One which was based on the now history of Aparthied.

In one of the important scenes in this movie The power of one the director uses a tracking shot to show two of the main characters Peekay (Rainmaker) and Gideon Mandoma (Peekays new boxing partner) running around Alexandra talking about how the Black south africans are treated which is shown in the scene as well as Gideon wanting Peekay to start a class for the South Africans so that they can learn to read, write and speak english. For instant when Peekay and Gideon talk about equal rights they pass a long line of people when Peekay asks “what are they waiting for” when Gideons replies with “there is one toilet provided for every 200 people.”

In the toilet scene the director uses a long shot which captures the entire scene of the South Africans of Alexandra waiting in line to go to the toilet which looks like an old, small and cramped wooden box. This scene also shows other people of Alexandra wandering around with their families and friends, hoping for a better tomorrow which Gideon Mandoma said to Peekay while running.


Something I struggle with and find challenging while writing is finding more imformation and detail to add to my writing but also while having to add in film techniques to it I also found it challenging coming up with ways to set out and word my writing. To help with this as something to improve on I think I could spend more time on my writing so that I get it done and so that I can get better and more advanced scores.

Friday 26 July 2019



For the last two periods of social studies my class and I have been working and designing our boomerangs, we got to choose any aboriginal pattern or design and to transfer onto the peice of wood we where given. 

Today in social studies we had the oppurtunity to see how our boomerangs flew.

The purpose of this activity:
The purpose of this activity was to find out more about the meaning and culture of aboriginal art.

Story behind my boomerang:
My boomerang had two lizards on each side which means to "Be Aware". My boomerang also had some squiggles and dots which symbolises water flow or a river. 

What went well:
Something that went well while creating my boomerang was doing the lines as it was probably the easiest part about painting my boomerang.

This is a photo of the boomerang I was inspired by:
Image result for boomerang lizards

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Children of blood and bone

Chapter 22 - Amari

I pause for a moment, aghast at the number of tqhem filling the narrow path. Before today, I caught only glimpses of the laborers brought in to staff the palace—always pleasant, clean, groomed to Mother’s satisfaction. Like Binta, I thought they lived simple lives, safe within the palace walls. I never considered where they came from, where else they might have ended up,

“Skies…” It’s almost too hard to bear the sight. Mostly diviners, the laborers outnumber the villagers by hordes, dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their dark skin blisters under the scorching sun, marred by the dirt and sand seemingly burned into their beings. Each is hardly more than a walking skeleton.
A message I take from this is that you dont know somebody elses struggles until you witness or ask someone about it.

Chapter 23 - Zélie

Metal gates fly open on the sides of the arena floor, and an endless flow of water rushes in. This has to be a mirage. Yet liter after liter flows in. The water covers the metal ground, crashing with the expanse of a sea.
“How is this possible?” I hiss under my breath, remembering the laborers no more than skin and bone. So many dying for water and they waste it on this?

A message I take from this scene is that they are wasting water on things that arent nessersary when it could be used for peoples survival.

Chapter 49 – Amari
Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.
Be the Lionaire.

A message I take from this is to not always listen to the person who is overpowering but to the person who has treated others better.

Monday 22 July 2019

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Why do we look at street art?
Because all the art that around on the streets are showing meaning, of why it is made and what it means.
Why do we stop when we see it?
It can draw our attention towards it, and we stop to see how beautiful it looks and just to look for fun.
What is our reaction?
Our reaction can be like, we like it or not.

Why do we need and use visual symbols around us?
To get our attention to what they could mean, and maybe what they do, for example, mac donalds sign with the Big "M" is selling food from their restaurant. 

What are examples of common visual symbols in our environment?
McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Dentists, Hornby High School, Hub hornby.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Making Boomerang


The past few weeks we have been working on making a boomerang. First thing we did was look at other boomerang designs and then decided on one that we would like to create and make our own. 

We then put it on paper, and moved the design from the paper to the wood then we cut the boomerang out with a band saw before using a file and sandpaper to fix the edges.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Why are children used in War and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom?

Child soldiers are children who are forced to fight in wars because some of the children have lost their homes and families because of war or terrorist attacks, these children are all under the age of 18 and have lost many of there human rights.
Child victims who have been forced or lured into armed groups suffer a broad range of human rights violations and abuses, including their right to life, right to not be subjected to sexual violence or other forms of torture, the right to an education and the right to freedom of thought and religion. For example in Somalia, there are 920 children serving, these children are being abducted from there homes and schools along with their entire classes and are taken to fight in the war but some children serve as combatants, others also serve as porter, messengers, spies and cooks, and some young girls are forced to marry al-Shabab militants or recruited as sexual slaves in brothels. Child soldiers do not have human rights because they are forced into a lifetime of war and slavery.

The reason I have written this is because we are 
learning about child soldiers in the class and are 
learning how to write a seel paragraph.

Image result for sun and rain
The meaning of solemn is to be serious.
For example, her facial expression was very solemn

The Meaning of immense is large.
For example, they spent an immense amount of time fixing that car

The meaning of tumultuous is to be loud or excited.
For example, the children were very tumultuous

At the start of this story, we were introduced to the children of the class which were all nine-year-olds and their teacher.

classroom at school on planet Venus.

The kids were excited an curious about the sun coming out.

The sun is a flower, That blooms for just one hour.

A coin large enough to buy the world with.

Sensory language-
Hear- Rain
Smell- The rain
See- Wet forest
Taste- The rain
Feel- The Sun

Show not tell- 
The children were really excited we knew this because it told us "the children pressed to each other like so many roses, so many weeds, intermixed peering out to look at the sun.¨

Tuesday 2 April 2019


Should cloning be used on endangered animals?

I highly agree with this as I think that if there is an endangered animal it would be smart to clone them so that they don't become extinct as that would be upsetting to know that these animals are dying.

Should cloning be used on plants and animals?

Yes, it would be much better for plants to be cloned as well as animals because if apple trees became extinct we would want some more so we would then clone them an have more and same goes for animals because if cow became extinct we would have no milk left.

Cloning should be used on unwell children?

I think it shouldn't be used on children as passing is apart of life.

Cloning should be used to staff our armies?

Yes because it would save other people from going out and getting killed.

Cloning should be used to create organs?

Yes because there are a lot of people in the world waiting for organs and if we were to clone another human for their organs it would speed up the process and save a lot of people.

Cloning should be used to bring influential and famous people?

Yes because some famous people influence others and singers help a lot of people through rough times with their music.

Friday 29 March 2019

Child soldiers

My Map Of Worst 10 Countries With Child Soldiers

The link above is the map I have created on My Maps which shows the 10 worst countries which contribute to using child soldiers.

Child soldiers are children under the age of 18 who a recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, spies or for sexual purposes.

Image result for child soldiersImage result for child soldiers