
Thursday 22 November 2018

Oamau stone carving

Thursday 15.11.18

Today I designed a koru which was copied from the Oamaru Stone Blog.

While making this I used a chisel, grater, and a mallet and that's how I worked on my koru, I also drew different korus and designs to give me an idea on what I was going to work on next.

Friday 26 October 2018

Hunt for the wilderpeople

In English, we are learning to think critically to identify and describe the key aspects of a visual text.

We watched a film called Hunt For The Wilder People which is about  a boy who was abandoned but finally found a family who he wanted  to stay with but sadly Bella who ended up having a heart attack so the young boy ended up running away and then his uncle went to find him and then they never went back until they were found.

After that, we did some film techniques

Wednesday 5 September 2018

The magic pot

In English, we have been learning about traditional stories 

The story The Magic Pot is about a farmer who found a pot, he then placed one of his garden tools in it while he sat under a tree, he looked away then turned to find that not only was there was not only one garden tool there were hundreds of garden tools he then suspected something so he then decided to place a stone in the pot he looked away and then back at the pot to see that there were hundreds of stones, and that's how he found out that he had discovered a magic pot.

1. We made a tree out of pipe cleaners, Square beads, and clay.
2. We then created a pot and some garden tools to go inside made from clay.
3. After that, we drew an Indian man.
4. Then we decided to paint a shoe box
5. Once we were finished making things to go inside the box we waited for the box to dry and then added everything in.
6. We then decorated the sky.

Here is the link to the video:

Tuesday 28 August 2018


1. On the first day, we searched up a puzzle design to give us an idea of what we were doing.
2. We then drew some lines on a piece of paper which we would be drawing on the wood.
3. We drew the same thing on 3 pieces of wood and got a rubber band to hold them together.
4. After that we marked out where we would be cutting out the wood, the first one was a rectangle the second was a uppercase T and the last one was lowercase t.
5. We then started cutting them out.
Image result for timber puzzles

Thursday 23 August 2018

To observe xylem tissue and prove that they transport water up the plant.

One stick of celery with the leaves still attached, a retort stand, boss head and clamp, a Petri dish, water, food colouring, a knife or scalpel.

1. Make a cut across the base of the celery stalk to expose a new section of the stem.
2. Fill the Petri dish with water and add a few drops of food colouring.
3. Place the celery stalk in the petri dish and gently clamp it in place using the retort stand, boss head and clamp.
4. Leave the stalk undisturbed for 24 hours.
5. Remove the stalk from the clamp and petri dish. Cut the stem about 1/3 of the way up the stem.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Investigating Refraction Through Lenses

To investigate how different types of lenses refract light.

 Triple-slit ray slide, power supply, a concave lens and the convex lens.

1. Set up the ray box, Triple-slit ray slide and  power supply
2. Place the convex lens in the space below. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the three rays of light at the tens. Make sure the central light of ray hits the lens at 90degrees as indicated in the diagram.
3. Carefully trace the direction of the incoming and refracted rays.
4. Repeat using the concave lens

Monday 6 August 2018


Investigating Refraction- Bending light

To investigate how light is affected by changing the substance it is travelling through.

Ray box, power source, glass perspex block, single-slit ray slide.

Collect the equipment from your teacher, and set them up to produce a single beam of light.

Part A: Going from Air to Glass
1. Place the glass block in the shaded area below 
2. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the beam so it travels along the 10degrees line to the centre of the protractor (this is your angle of incidence, 1degrees)

Thursday 2 August 2018

Concave Mirrors:
Concave mirrors have a shiny surface on the inside of the curve. When looking at a tablespoon, the bowl of the spoon is concave.

Convex Mirrors:
Convex Mirrors have the shiny surface on the outside of the curve. when looking at a tablespoon, the back of the spoon is convex.

To investigate the reflection of the light rays in concave and convex mirrors.

1. Set up your ray box, triple-slit ray slide concave and convex mirrors, power supply
2. Place the mirror on your book as indicated below. place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the 3 rays of light at the mirror.
3. Ensure that the middle ray of light is hitting the mirror at a 90degrees angle.
4. Carefully trace the direction of the three incident rays and the three reflected rays.

Tuesday 31 July 2018


 The angle of incidence is the same as the angle of reflection.

 To investigate how light behaves when it hits a plane (flat) mirror.

1. Collect a ray box power supply and single-slit ray slide from your teacher, and set them up to produce a single beam of light.
2. Place the plane mirror on the diagram of the protractor as described below.
3. Vary the angle of incidence and record the angle of reflection in the results table.

Thursday 14 June 2018

Good Fats:
Olives, salmon, and walnuts have good fats.
Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.
Monounsaturated fats can lower LDL or bad cholesterol and in increase SDL and good cholesterol.
Image result for good fats and bad fatsMonounsaturated fats can help protect the heart from heart disease.

Bad Fats:
teak an ice cream both have bad fats.
Bad fats are saturated and trans fats.
Read meat, Butter, Chicken with the skin, and milk.

Some foods that contain these unhealthy fats are almonds, pecans, and seeds like pumpkin and sesame and also avocados. Omega 3 fats can help lower bad cholesterol and prevent heart disease and stroke. You can get omega 3 fats from eating fish up to three times a week or from liquid oils. Margarine is better to use rather than butter.
Our bodies make enough saturated fats as it is and we don't need to eat/ add anymore.


Friday 25 May 2018


For the last few weeks, I have been working on my static image. My static image is the part of the book Abomination when Martha leaves her parents with her sister, her sister's friend an abomination. The seen of my static image is a car going down a hill leaving Martha's parents and leaving the house.
Define Protein

Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.

What Does Protein Do In The Body

Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicalsProtein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

What happens if u have to much protein

Excess Protein May Fuel Weight Gain, Yeast Overgrowth, and Cancer. There are a number of reasons why I believe it's prudent to limit your protein intake

What Happens If You Don't Get Enough Protein

If carrying your groceries from your car to your refrigerator feels like a challenge, your diet may be to blame. “When you don't eat enough protein, the body will start to break down stored proteins in the form of muscle and other tissues.

Where Do You Get Protein From

  • Seafood. Seafood is an excellent source of protein because it's usually low in fat. ...
  • White-Meat Poultry. 
  • Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt.
  • Eggs. 
  • Beans. 
  • Pork Tenderloin. 
  • Soy.
  • Thursday 17 May 2018


    Today in English I was reading from read theory. On reading theory, I read about a family who was watching a movie, the movie was about a girl and her family who were in a town where a tornado had hit. She wants to save her family and is trying to think hard about how to do it but then it hits her. she then made a kite out of wire and a bed sheet and flu it into the tornado, the kite took the wind from the tornado and she then saved the town.

    Thursday 10 May 2018


    English SSR

    Today in English I read off the website Stuff. I read about a man who was feeding his fish and then he fell into a hole. He said that he thought he was going to be buried alive as the walls of the hole were coming in and the bricks were falling in on him, the hole was 3metres deep and 2metres wide and he also came out with a lot of cuts, bruises also a badly sprained ankle and a cracked tooth. I think this type of information is recommended for teens and adults.
    Today in English in silent reading, I chose to read a piece of information about a one-year-old baby fell out of a car window and was rushed to the hospital because of it, this was held in the bay of plenty. The writer's purpose was to give us information on what goes on in the world. In my opinion, this is for teens and adults.

    Wednesday 2 May 2018

    We set up the bunsen burner and then got a metal ball and hoop

    When you heat metal the particles get bigger and expands.
    we prove this by heating the brass ball over the bunsen burner before we heated the brass ball it fit through the heat but after we heated it, it didn't fit in the hoop.

    What does Matariki mean?

    Matariki has two meanings, both of which refer to the cluster of stars. Mata Riki means Tiny Eyes, and
    Mata Ariki means Eyes of God.

    Matariki is a time in the year where you get to see the seven stars but only in some places

    Wednesday 7 March 2018


    Key word:

    Solute- Something that is dissolved.
    Soluble- Something that can dissolve.
    Solvent- What it turned to when dissolved.
    Insoluble- Something that cant dissolve.
    Solution- Mixture of solvent and solute.
    Dissolve- When large particles break into smaller pieces.
    Aim- Investergate the diluting the solution.

    Wednesday 28 February 2018

    Filtering Water
    Meadow & Hinepu

    This experiment is to try turn dirty water in to clean water by creating our own water filter.
    Water bottle, Paper towels, Cloth and Dirty water. We tried this other technique using cotton buds but that didn't end up working because ended up absorbing all the water. We are now gonna try to improve the color and try to make it clear.

    Sound Track Of My Life

    Friday 16 February 2018


    ~Bacteria- The single-celled organisms called bacteria live on, in, and around most living and nonliving things. With few exceptions, bacteria can be seen only with the aid of a microscope, and millions of them would fit on the head of a pin.

    ~What it needs to survive- Oxygen, Moisture, Neutral PH, Food,
    Temperature and Time

    ~ How to avoid it- Cook at the right temperature, Clean hands, and jewelry.

    ~Whats cross contamination- When you cross I food with another.