Olives, salmon, and walnuts have good fats.
Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.
Monounsaturated fats can lower LDL or bad cholesterol and in increase SDL and good cholesterol.
Bad Fats:
teak an ice cream both have bad fats.
Bad fats are saturated and trans fats.
Read meat, Butter, Chicken with the skin, and milk.
Some foods that contain these unhealthy fats are almonds, pecans, and seeds like pumpkin and sesame and also avocados. Omega 3 fats can help lower bad cholesterol and prevent heart disease and stroke. You can get omega 3 fats from eating fish up to three times a week or from liquid oils. Margarine is better to use rather than butter.
Our bodies make enough saturated fats as it is and we don't need to eat/ add anymore.